Friday, December 25

Texas Window, 2005
still one of my favorites.

Miss You, Love You Tejas & Familia.
Merry Everything

Wednesday, December 23

Tuesday, December 22

As simple an act
as opening the eyes. Merely
coming into things by degrees.

Monday, December 21

Sunday, December 20

May this bitch and her sisters, all of them,
receive my words
in all their orifices like lye mixed with
cocola and alaga syrup

feel this shit, bitches, feel it, now laugh your
hysterectic laughs
while your flesh burns
and your eyes peel to red mud

Saturday, December 19

stuck inside, waiting.
waiting, waiting, waiting.

love is less always than to win

less never than alive

less bigger than the least begin

less littler than forgive

it is most sane and sunly

and more it cannot die

than all the sky which only

is higher than the sky

ee cummings

Wednesday, December 16

love is more thicker than forget
more thinner than recall
more seldom than a wave is wet
more frequent than to fail

it is more mad and moonly
and less it shall unbe
than all the sea which only
is deeper than the sea
ee cummings

Wednesday, December 2

midweek puppy-pickmeup.

Monday, November 30

goodnight moon.

Friday, November 27

Five for Friday,
from my sojourn in killeen, 2009

Still, the beloved may stay bitter as an ear
the tongue pressed
into, unwanted.
And the word end: spiney, finally-formed,
indents them and is
Alice Fulton, Babies

Thursday, November 26


from my sojourn in killeen, 2009

The city had such pretty clotheslines.
Women aired their intimate apparel

in the emery haze:
membranes of lingerie—
pearl, ruby, copper slips—
their somehow intestinal quivering in the wind.
Alice Fulton, Industrial Lace

Wednesday, November 25


from my sojourn in killeen, 2009.

Where are the stars, pristine
as great ideas? Behind clouds
the heavens saturate
with luminous dust, shuttles wearing halos
of earthdirt, light pollution
from jets fired to keep things
Alice Fulton, Where Are The Stars Pristine
on course.

Tuesday, November 24


from my sojourn in killeen, 2009

Where inside, anglers ease lines through floor-
holes and the river underneath
is gauntleted with hooks to snag tomcod.
By day's end, window ledges bubble
Alice Fulton, Aviation

Monday, November 23


one from savannah to start off,
and one from my sojourn in killeen, 2009

up North where windows ignite early,
hanging the dark
with inner lives like tiny drive-in screens
showing underrated grade B stars,
Alice Fulton, Aviation

Sunday, November 22

looking onto Pine Island Sound.

monday will start the showing of the first new window works-- 2 a day until 5-for-Friday.
lots of time sorting through too, too many files; but now something to show for it.

uhm, Hi-Pass without hi-pass.

Thursday, November 19

spinach leaf.

Monday, November 16

insides for the in-between time.

Tuesday, October 27

Sunday, October 25

Saturday, October 24

modern life.

Thursday, October 22


Wednesday, October 21


Tuesday, October 20


Monday, October 12

Saturday, October 10

Thursday, August 20
