Friday, December 25

Texas Window, 2005
still one of my favorites.

Miss You, Love You Tejas & Familia.
Merry Everything

Wednesday, December 23

Tuesday, December 22

As simple an act
as opening the eyes. Merely
coming into things by degrees.

Monday, December 21

Sunday, December 20

May this bitch and her sisters, all of them,
receive my words
in all their orifices like lye mixed with
cocola and alaga syrup

feel this shit, bitches, feel it, now laugh your
hysterectic laughs
while your flesh burns
and your eyes peel to red mud

Saturday, December 19

stuck inside, waiting.
waiting, waiting, waiting.

love is less always than to win

less never than alive

less bigger than the least begin

less littler than forgive

it is most sane and sunly

and more it cannot die

than all the sky which only

is higher than the sky

ee cummings

Wednesday, December 16

love is more thicker than forget
more thinner than recall
more seldom than a wave is wet
more frequent than to fail

it is more mad and moonly
and less it shall unbe
than all the sea which only
is deeper than the sea
ee cummings

Wednesday, December 2

midweek puppy-pickmeup.