and of course because the fair lady was drunk she didn't take the camera with her. but late, late in the night returned to find it in the kitchen. and lo, and behold! oh hurray for meatless slopppy joes and my lack of self censorship! i can't leave a single one out, and if you click they get huge and you can keep on a laughin at drunkness!

oh look, it's sunday now.
let's drink mo beer!
and then for hours we: watch tv and are gross.
let's drink mo beer!
and then for hours we: watch tv and are gross.

the mullet in all its glory. its such a beautiful thing. you have to come back out and we'll play spades.
I tried to call you today. I really need my tripod back before I move on friday. If you want to hang out before I leave, I'm having a goodbye dinner thing at Queeny's on Thursday at 7pm.
what happened to biking to olive garden last week?
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