Monday, May 29

In need of 12 extra Hours

erica klopf, freckle. 05-06
Today is Not my Day. I have been here at the library since 9am. I scanned all of my transparencies and Eden images for my book on a scanner on the first floor, it took until noon. Then the Program Files file dissapered and Help Desk didn't understand, couldn't help. They told me to rescan. Rescan? It took me three hours! Okay, so I finally find a scanner attached to a Mac (i hate windows. i hate windows. it doesn't FUnCTION!), and there is a non-english speaking girl with a stack of shit to scan. It's now about 1pm. I have to shoot a few more images at 6pm, so need to leave here at 4pm. Are the walls getting closer? This building feels a lot smaller. And can we talk about the temperature being 68 degrees? M@therF#ck&r$. Cutting Glass here.

rodrigo zozaya, freckles. 05-06

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